Past events

Learn about the film’s impact during past events from producer & writer Howard Reich

Now available for home viewing:

Streaming and download


“seriously inspiring … a full emotional and musical experience”

               — Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune

“a love letter to the composer, to community orchestras, to the arts as a mechanism of survival, and to the survival of the arts”

              — Lucy Gellman, Arts Paper

“musically mesmerizing”

              — Screen Magazine


FOR THE LEFT HAND is a documentary produced by Kartemquin Films about the inspiring pianist Norman Malone. At age 5, Norman discovered he was a natural at the piano. Tragically, when Norman turned 10, he was attacked and left paralyzed on his right side. Undaunted, Malone began a lifelong quest to reclaim his place at the piano–mastering some of the most difficult music ever written for left hand alone–and never telling anyone of his deepening virtuosity. Not until he was 78 did he reveal his story (to the Chicago Tribune), prompting belated invitations to perform. Nearly 70 years after he was paralyzed, Malone realizes a long-delayed dream–to perform with a symphony orchestra.

“It’s encouraging to realize that I can do it. If I just take the time and patience, I can do it. Whether or not anybody hears it or not, it’s mine.”

— Norman Malone on playing the piano


Latest updates from Norman and the film "For the Left Hand"

‘For the Left Hand’ on the road

This was a busy fall season for “For the Left Hand,” and two events stood out: On Oct. 12, Howard and Gordon brought the film to Howard’s alma mater, Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music, Read more…