Co-director Leslie Simmer travels to the Milwaukee Film Festival
Read co-director Leslie Simmer’s recap of “For the Left Hand” at the 2022 Milwaukee Film Festival.
The 2022 Milwaukee Film Festival is truly a gem. Running from April 21-May 5, the festival has an exciting selection of films from around the world as well as dynamic live events. Anyone within driving distance should get out there to sample some of their offerings. And if you can’t make it in person, they have films available for virtual viewing as well.
I arrived at the Times Cinema on a rainy, cold Friday — the first full day of the fest — and was greeted warmly by the festival’s Artistic Director, Cara Ogburn. Although the theater wasn’t full (see above: rainy, cold Friday) the audience was enthusiastic, audibly laughing and responding appreciatively in all the right places.
Sadly, Norman couldn’t make it to this festival, although I know the audience would have loved to have met him in person. Therefore, I had the pleasure of having the Q&A all to myself, with Cara doing the honors as moderator. Questions ranged from “How did you decide to make this film?” to “What was the most surprising thing you discovered in making the film?” to questions about other pieces written for the left hand and whether Norman will be performing again.
Several audience members stopped by to chat afterwards and, when I asked, they admitted that they were lapsed musicians themselves who missed enjoying the experience of making music with others. Once again, I saw how the desire to make and enjoy music infuses innumerable people’s lives, and once again it was impressed upon me how essential it is to ensure that everyone gets access to music education in schools to help fulfill what turns out to be an essential human need.